MAY: never quitting
Main Points of Class
You cannot do anything great without overcoming hardship.
Fortitude is a steady attitude of facing difficulties and problems. It is not just an emotion.
Fortitude gives you strength to overcome obstacles and do the things that will make you happy.
Don’t run away; don’t whine; don’t quit.
In-class activity: Table Manners, Part 2 & Jeopardy
We need to be the masters of our food and not allow our food to become the master of us.
Living manners in the way we eat our food is both a practice and a manifestation of becoming a refined man.
In the second half of this activity, students compete in a game of Jeopardy to review topics that they have learned in the preceding 8 seminars and activities.
Out-of-class work
Complete the Summer Goals sheet with the help of dad.
If you get your report card, bring it to the next mentoring session.
Student should put his binder in order. He may make copies of anything as he wishes, but all of the following forms should be in the binder, which he should give to his mentor at next month’s mentoring session:
Life Goals Sheet
Time Use Sheet
Daily schedule
Weekly schedule
Study Habits Questionnaire
Study Habits for Success
Manliness Worksheet
Quitter/Fighter Worksheet
Distractions Worksheet
Friendship Quiz
Summer Goals Sheet
Complete a Monthly Goals Sheet.