< October: Leaving Boyhood Behind
november: Wise & Courageous Risk takers
Main Points of Class
Becoming a great man is a risky business.
A full life involves a lot of risk.
What’s the right response? We shouldn’t be afraid of risk. Rather, we learn how to manage it.
How to manage risk? Understand it. Understanding the consequence of actions.
Acknowledging you lack experience. Trusting in those who have more experience than you (parents, siblings, coaches, teachers, mentors, etc.)
But at the same time, it’s not enough to simply understand. The need to man up: engaging with risk.
Maturity: understanding when I need to trust the judgment of others (i.e. this risk is not worth taking), and when I need to actually take the risk myself.
Building up that strength through struggling in the little things (order, temperance, etc.)
Ultimately, having a sense of purpose in life gives a real worth to the risks you take.
Self-knowledge: freedom.